Where Are the Biggest Waves for Surfing in Australia?

If you’re looking for the ultimate surfing adventure, you need to check out the best spots for catching big waves in Australia. From the legendary Cape Solander to the remote Shipstern Bluff, Australia has some of the most epic surf breaks in the world. In this article, we’ll show you where to find them and how to ride them like a pro. Get ready to experience the thrill of surfing in Australia!


Where are the biggest waves for surfing in Australia? The Right has the biggest waves in Western Australia. Meanwhile, Shipsterns Bluff has huge, unpredictable waves in Tasmania. Ours, also called Cape Solander, has scary big waves that surfers dare to ride in New South Wales.


The Right, Western Australia


The Right is a large surf break located 1.6 kilometres from the coast of Walpole in Western Australia. Only the levels of anxiety it raises can be compared to the wave it creates. The Right wave is massive, hazardous, swift, erratic, and brutally heavy. Nothing about this is simple and obvious.



The deep water on The Right is what makes it special; if you wipe out, it will push you farther into the water than elsewhere you have surfed. With almost every wave, you feel as though your ears are going to blow out, and as you submerge, you continue trying to equalise to relieve the pressure. You are focused on doing anything to pop your ears while submerged in this underwater washing machine. Nowhere else is like that.


Along with that, I don’t know if it’s ever going to be a wave that can be paddled. Over the years, I’ve seen a few bodyboarders try it, but they need to dive farther. They are perched on the barrel’s edge. And how far would it be before you actually passed through the barrel after having to paddle? It’s incredibly far away. The sharks are yet another reason why nobody really tries to paddle. One of the sharkiest places is The Right.


The renowned open ocean surf break in Western Australia is not suitable for average surfers. It’s a playground where you either win or die. The Right is a deadly slab that produces a large, square wave that can instantly break bones and submerge surfers for extended periods of time. A group of dedicated bodyboarders, which include Dean Harrington, Chad Jackson, Brad Hughes, and Sean Virtue, rode the wave for the first time on September 2, 2007.



Shipsterns Bluff, Tasmania


The biggest wave ever recorded in Australia is the 60.37 feet wave in Cape Sorrell, close to Strahan, Tasmania. Meanwhile, Shipsterns Bluff, Tasmania, offers big waves for surfers, too.


The scariest aspect of Shipsterns is how completely unpredictable it is when it is large. You never know if it will pinch, close out, step, or do anything else. You never know when you’re going to drop in. The wipeout is okay – its depth is sufficient that you do not often hit bottom, but still not terrifyingly deep.


The heaviness is lessened by the fact that everyone is always cheerful and laid-back. Shipsterns Bluff, however, is still sharky, cold, and powerful.


Aside from that, you are concerned about things like your shoulder dislocating, the lip hitting your neck, and other things because the wave’s force is so strong. The water sweeps you straight past the worst part, despite the fact that the rock makes it appear quite heavy in pictures or from the perspective of onlookers. I have previously been swept onto the rocks, but that is not really the main issue.


If the wave chooses to give you that, that should be your main priority in the step. Stepping off that step, timing your entry into the barrel perfectly, all while being pursued by a monster wave. It’s a strange situation.



Ours, New South Wales


Also called Cape Solander, Ours is a Sydney Slab first ridden by Pikers Hole and Bra Boys in the ’60s. Ours, a wave in Sydney’s Botany Bay that is arguably Australia’s scariest, rose to prominence in the 2000s. It is the time when the Bra Boys violently claimed it as their own. This violent claim led to numerous high-profile confrontations.


The best way to explain this wave is to go over what might occur if you miss the takeoff. On impact, there’s a good chance you’ll break a bone, but if you’re lucky, you’ll only sustain severe cuts.


Once your bruised and bleeding body reaches the surface, you’ll see what’s coming by looking up. Four more big waves with 4-foot thick lips heading straight at you. You are literally impaled onto the cliff face. To say the very least, it’s not enjoyable. You better be making that drop if you’re out at Our whenever it’s heavy.



Would You Dare Ride The Biggest Waves in Australia?


If you’re looking for a truly exhilarating experience, why not try your hand at riding the biggest waves in Australia? It’s an activity that is sure to make your heart race and one that you’ll never forget. Just be sure to heed the advice of the experts before taking on such a challenge.


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Where Can Newbie Beginners Surf on the Gold Coast