Where Can Newbie Beginners Surf on the Gold Coast


Once upon a time, I was starting to learn surfing. I felt very intimidated to ride the big waves, so I’m wondering that time where can newbie beginners surf on the Gold Coast. It was important for me to choose an ideal beach to surf for beginners. The best Gold Coat beginner surf spots have smaller waves that are not as powerful. It allowed me to slowly build my confidence until I could take on the bigger waves.


Where can newbie beginners surf on the Gold Coast? Rainbow Bay is among the best beginner surf beaches on the Gold Coast, including Currumbin Alley, Burleigh Heads, Greenmount, and Tugun.


The Gold Coast has many popular beaches to surf on the Gold Coast for beginners and other skill levels. Below, I will share some of the most popular ones with you.


Beaches Newbie Beginners Surf on the Gold Coast


Rainbow Bay


The best spot to learn to surf on the Gold Coast. The waves are remnants of the lines that roll through Snapper Rocks, known for producing some of the world’s longest right-hand rides. If the surf is up, watch out for some of the world’s best surfers, Steph Gilmore and Kelly Slater, from the shore.


Currumbin Alley


One of the Gold Coast’s safest and friendliest spots for beginners. Before hitting the waves on your own, you can choose to take a private lesson here to learn the fundamentals of surfing. The experienced instructors will teach you everything you need to know, from how to paddle out into the waves to riding them into shore. You’ll be tearing up the waves like a pro in no time at all!



Burleigh Heads


Burleigh Heads has everything a surfer needs, from a world-class point break to “Kid’s Corner,” a small area in front of the Burleigh Pavilion, there is something for everyone. If you’re looking for something to do after surfing, why not go for lunch at the local surf club? Alternatively, there are many cafes and restaurants where you can grab a bite.




Greenmount provides calm, leisurely, and lengthy rides. The waves break on a sandbank and curl around the headland halfway between Snapper Rocks and Kirra. Get your feet in the water and practise riding the ‘green’ face of the wave. This beautiful Gold Coast spot also has a picturesque coastline and clear water.




This area can be a little quieter if surfers don’t notice it. The waves on the Tugun beach are clean and perfect for practising your surfing skills. The best wind direction for surfing here is west/southwest, so take advantage of it the next time you’re at the beach!


Experience Surfing Gold Coast Beginners Will Enjoy


Our surfing adventure has come to an end, but Australia’s gorgeous and varied Gold Coast still has a lot to offer! So, have you decided where to surf in the Gold Coast and start learning the sport? Check out the best swell season to know when to visit the Goldie for surfing!