Is Surfing More Addictive Than Other Sports?


Several millions of people agree that surfing is addictive. I do remember my first time learning this famous water sport. It got me so hooked, especially by how nice it felt riding the ways that it’s almost impossible to stop and go home. Surfing is among the most popular sports played on the Gold Coast.


Is surfing more addictive than other sports? Yes, surfing is a highly addictive water sport because it will challenge you to become better every day. Surfing also make the brain release feel-good hormones due to the thrill and excitement of catching waves.


How popular surfing is today shows the influence of this sport on many. If you will ask surf-obsessed individuals why they love catching and riding the waves so much, they’ll tell you that it’s because surfing is too addictive. So, let’s debunk why people addicted to surfing feel that way. 


Surfing Is Addictive Due to the Feel-Good Chemicals From the Brain


There’s no denying that surfing provides an adrenaline rush, but what causes it is not just the potential risk. The stunning outdoor scene, the excitement of catching the perfect wave, and the feeling of fulfilment when you succeed all work together, so the brain produces “feel good” hormones. You subsequently experience a surge of dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin.


When you experience extreme delight and pleasure, your body and brain want you to return for more. It is probably the cause of any frustration you experience after spending a few days without surfing.


The diving and swimming breathing patterns that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system trigger the brain to release feel-good chemicals. Brainwaves are influenced, and it relaxes the mind. It consequently generates hormones that give you a positive feeling.


Moreover, brainwaves are classified into five types. Among those are Betta, Alpha, Gamma, Delta, and Theta. Our brainwaves slow down when we are tired or dissolute. When we feel alert and energized, the quicker brainwaves are engaged. When confronted by a wave, your brainwaves speed up because you have to focus on the task at hand.


Aside from the fact that surfing alters brainwaves, the negative ions from the ocean waves also contribute to the release of feel-good chemicals from the brain. Although negative ions are not visible, you can instantly feel ease and pleasure once you go near the waves.


Absorbing negative ions can improve your overall well-being. It can also lower your risk of depression. Learn more about how surfing affects the brain in this post.


Surfing Is Addictive As This Sport Fulfills Your Basic Human Needs


Few other activities provide you with a total sense of solidarity and well-being. Our basic human needs, such as comfort, diversity, and inclusion, are all met in part by surfing.


While riding the surfboard, you will feel secure in the knowledge that you are in command. People feel more in control when they make split-second decisions. Surfing is a fantastic method to add diversity to what may otherwise seem like a monotonous and uninteresting reality because no two surf sessions are ever the same.


Surfers often form strong bonds with one another and are very passionate. Large groups of surfers visit some of the most well-liked surfing locations in the world. This results to a sense of inclusion and excitement, making surfing even more addicting.


Surfing Is a Form of Meditation


Although everyone knows the advantages of meditation, many people struggle with mental control. But, you have no option once you are out on your board.


Surfing is addictive because it’s a sport that will help you take a break and clear your mind. When surfing, you must be aware of your surroundings and consider every move you make. Thinking about your children, work, significant other, or financial difficulties has no place at the moment.


Just staring at the ocean can put you in a meditation-like state. When surfing, focusing only on the here and now is vital. It helps to clear your mind when you are in the sea. Surfers experience a dissociative state similar to what longtime meditators go through.


Dissociation is a natural survival mechanism that helps us cope with difficult situations. So, when things start to feel too burdensome, try surfing.


After the brain’s neurotransmitter surge, the nervous system’s parasympathetic system takes over, and everything slows down. Stress is decreased at the same time that cortisol secretion ends. Alpha brainwave activity predominates.


These can result in consequently having a really strong sense of mental calmness. Your anxious thoughts are likewise eliminated, and your anxious inner dialogue ends abruptly.


Surfing Is Addictive Since It’s a Personal Challenge


Surfing is addictive because it will challenge you to become better every day. It makes no difference if you have only one day of knowledge or if you are an accomplished surfer. Since there are competitions in surfing, you will constantly try to get better. The true rival will be between you and the sea.


Each Wave Is Unique


Surfing is addictive because each wave is unique. Due to this, you will experience a variety of feelings. Some waves will make you fear, others will make you happy, others will cause you to feel alive, and others will make you realize how frail you can be. Though one thing is certain: each wave will be like crafting a unique and personal tale for you.


Surfing is about finding the right wave for you and making the most of it. Whether you’re looking for a big, powerful wave to show off your skills on or a smaller, more mellow wave to relax on, there’s a wave out there for you. So get out there and start exploring!




Surfing is indeed addicting in its way. The waves, the refreshing ocean breeze, the breathing pattern you make, and the beauty of the ocean itself will make you addicted to surfing. Not to mention that learning how to surf is also pretty challenging, which will trigger your inner competitiveness to keep practicing.


When you surf regularly, you improve your physical fitness and coordination and develop a greater sense of connection and awareness to the world around you. Over time, this can make you a more well-rounded person overall, better equipped to relate to others and your environment positively.


Also read:

Why Is Surfing So Hard to Do?