Australian Outback Spectacular Crew Rescued a String of Horses

Australian Outback Spectacular crew rescued a string of horses from Ballina’s rising floodwaters. The undaunted rescue operation involved a helicopter to airlift the horses to safety. If you wish to hear more about this story, here are some details about what happened:


Australian Outback Spectacular Team To The Rescue


The team hear that 23 horses were trapped in waist-deep water on a property in Ballina, New South Wales. So, they quickly put together a rescue race horse plan with help from Sea World Helicopters.


Australian Outback Spectacular General Manager Shane Phillips saus they spoke to the property owner. The person informed them that the team of horses had been trapped for two days . What’s worse is that the horse don’t have access to fresh water or food. After hearing that, they became aware that the team needed to take urgent action if they were to have any chance of saving them.


Aside from that, Phillips also mentioned that with the aid of Sea World Helicopters, they could get to the scene in good time and begin the delicate work of leading the horses to safety. They organized a team of eight of our most skilled stockmen and women and the team’s equine vet.


The Voyage


Additionally, after a preliminary vet check and some medication, the team was able to start the journey. Which was more complicated than they had initially imagined. The extensive planning for the trip made it seem like it would be a breeze, but they soon realized that was not the case. The horses had been standing still for so long that, at first, the riders had some fears they wouldn’t want to go.
But, the horses began to move forward once they were given the signal. The Australian Outback Spectacular crew had rescued the string horses from the rising floodwaters.


The Horses Were Relieved


The horses were all approachable and were just as glad to reach the higher ground as we were. We timed the operation to coincide with the low tide, which meant they wouldn’t have to swim as far. Thankfully, there were a few areas of the crosswalk where the water was waist-to-neck deep, and our team was going to lead two to four living creatures at a time. These areas provided much-needed relief from the heat for the animals and their handlers.



Now, the horses are safely located on a neighbouring property that is on a highland. It will protect them from the flood waters and allow them access to food and water.


Even though these weather-related catastrophes are heartbreaking, seeing the neighbourhood come together to support one another is wonderful. The team was happy to contribute by getting these horses to safety, thanks to their means and experience. It was a gratifying feeling, knowing they had made such a positive difference in their lives.


What will you do if you encounter a similar situation as this rescue of 20 horses by Australian Outback Spectacular Crew members? Will you join forces with the Australian Outback Spectacular Crew to Rescue a String Horses or wait for someone else to do it?